All Courses

Check out our Lifestyle Design courses in the Conscious Creators Academy to start manifesting your best life.


Heal Your Money Story

This course is designed to help you heal your money story. You will learn about my 10-step process on how to heal your money story, 7 additional resources and homework, as well as EFT Tapping Videos and Theta Healing, to help you clear several major blocks regarding money.


Embodying Confidence Bundle

Embodying Confidence is a healing bundle that contains 3 audio healing tracks to help you awaken confidence and take your power back!


Divine Prosperity Activations

This is a bundle of powerful healing sessions and energy activations to help you activate your wealth and prosperity.


Manifest Like a Pro Masterclass

This FREE 30-minute Masterclass covers 5 steps to manifest whatever your want with ease and flow!


Dare to Dream Big masterclass

Dare to Dream Big Masterclass is designed to help you get out of your comfort zone and dream big to make the most of your life.


Live With Passion Workshop

In This Workshop, We’ll Be Delving Into The #1 Most Important Aspect Of Living A Purposeful Life – LIVING WITH PASSION! Your Passions Unlock The Key To Your Happiness, Your Excitement, Your Fulfillment, Your Talents, And Your Success.


Design Your Ideal Life Workshop

This is a workshop where you will learn how to design and manifest your ideal life in 8 easy steps!


21-Day Scripting Challenge

21-Day Scripting Challenge is designed to help you write a new story where you feel inspired, fully aligned, and excited about life!
Come join!


Create Your Online Course in 6 Weeks

Create your signature course online in just 6 weeks! This is for boss ladies who are ready to create more freedom and more ca$h by sharing their gift with the world.


Discover Your Life Purpose Course

This is a self-study 8-week course to help you discover your life purpose, find meaning in life and a career you feel passionate about.


21-Day Manifesting Miracles Challenge

21-Day Manifesting Miracles Challenge is designed to help you make miracles your new normal. Ready to uplevel your manifesting game? Come join!


21 Days of Abundance Challenge

21 Days of Abundance is a Divinely inspired challenge to help you break through limitations and step into your abundant lifestyle! Are you ready to invite abundance into your life? Come join!


Meditation For Beginners Course

Meditation For Beginners Course is designed to help you get started on your Meditation practice. I make it simple and easy so you can start your daily practice.


Abundance Bundle

The Abundance Bundle is a 4-part video training series to help you activate your self-worth, clear limiting beliefs around money, and attract abundance!


Activate the Flow of Abundance

Activate the Flow of Abundance is a powerful 5-week course to help you clear resistance to abundance and become a magnet for abundance, prosperity, and miracles.


5-Day Abundance Challenge

This FREE 5-Day Abundance Challenge is designed to help you become a magnet for abundance, prosperity and blessings.

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